Abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpike
Abandoned Pennsylvania Tpke, Breezewood, PA 15533
-Abandoned 1968
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History of the Abandoned Section of the Pennsylvania Turnpike
Originally opened in 1940, the Pennsylvania Turnpike follows the never-finished railroad line of the “South Pennsylvania Railroad.” It goes through 7 tunnels originally built for the railroad. The Pennsylvania Turnpike was an early example of a concept called “long-distance limited-access highways” and later served as an example of what to base the Interstate System on. Today, only 4 tunnels of the original 7 are still in service via “bypass projects” conducted by the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC). This was due to high demand in traffic in the 1950s as cars became more commonplace. The PTC had to conduct studies to see what costs would be involved in adding an extra two-lane tube to all 7 tunnels, or what other methods could be used at a cheaper cost. Ultimately, the Commission found that bypassing 13 miles of road by Breezewood, PA, would be cheaper than adding extra tubes at the Rays Hill Tunnel and the Sideling Hill Tunnel, which were both along that 13-mile stretch of road. After abandonment, the stretch of road has had many uses, including emissions testing in the 1970s, military storage, and even training soldiers for the Iraq War in the early 2000s. In 2001, the 13-mile stretch of Turnpike was sold to the Southern Alleghenies Conservancy (SAC) for $1 which plans to turn the turnpike into a bike path
Recollection from the author
The Abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpike is a drastic change to the norm of what we explore. This location had been calling my name for a long time even before the start of abandonedcommercialdetroit as a idea. Walking down the trail for the first time it was funny to see the abundance of Love turned into break up from people spray painting on the former road about the start of a relationship and later x-ing out their partner when they broke up. Which gave me the inspiration to nickname this trail the Break Up Trail. The Tunnel is what I came for and let me tell you they didn’t disappoint from the dark nature of the tunnel to the light at the end of the tunnel. It was also cool to check out the other components that made up this two tunnels along the turnpike
Rays Hill Tunnel Side
nearby to the Breezewood entrance of the turnpike lays two concrete barriers that likely blocked off the road
looking down the road of the now overgrown road that acts as a biking and hiking trail
old guardrail from the original turnpike likely
looking towards the Ray Hills Tunnel the shortest tunnel of the 7 Tunnels of the original PA Turnpike at only 0.7 miles long
Mountain Chapel Rd.
Western Portal of the Ray Hills Tunnel
Tubby the ghost makes his appearance, the author of the tubby the ghost graffiti is from Sydney Australia and travels the world making his mark, he also helps many poor countries
inside the Ray Hills Tunnel
Sideling Hill Tunnel Side
At the entrance of the Sideling Hill Tunnel side we see a tubby the ghost graffiti
The vast fall atmosphere makes the hike a popular spot in the fall
Road on the Sideling Hill Side is much more intact and less tagged
The side road leading to the Cove Valley Travel Plaza, once a Rest Stop on the Turnpike
Today it is just a empty lot
After many turns about a mile in we see the first look at the Sideling Hill Tunnel
Like the Rays Hill Tunnel the Foliage blends into the entrance of the Tunnel
The Eastern Portal
A door that has fallen to vandalism
Inside the room for the Tunnel Maintenance
After a Sketchy Climb up a ladder onto the only remaining intact flight of stairs we reach the second floor
We Reach the Main Attraction of Urban Exploring for the Turnpike the Ventilation room
looking down to the lower level and first room after traversing the ladder
one of the Ventilation Units
The roof still mostly intact still shows minor signs of decay
Each side of the ZTunnel hosts a Ventilation Room with two units each
A side room in the middle leads to the top of the tunnel
The Top of the Tunnel
Going back to a side room next to the Ventilation Room
Looking in from the top of the Room
Looking out to the Turnpike road from above
Outside of the Ventilation room
a path next to the main road gives us a nice journey to the side of tunnel
Inside the Eastern Portal a Mural can be seen
A piece of Graffiti with the official PA Turnpike Logo on it
Rock form the outer walls near the Tunnel Entrance on the Western Portal Side that was likely blasted to make room for the Tunnel
On the Western Portal the Door is still intact for the Maintenance Room
Unable to get up the Stairs to the Ventilation Room above we had to climb up the path to the side of the Western end of the Tunnel
The Western Portal looks to had been more of a challenge to blast through then the eastern side
The Eastern Side of the Western Portal Ventilation Room not visible from the main Trail
Similar to the Eastern Portal the Western Portal Features two Units
Side room of the Western Portal Ventilation Room
Inside the Top of the Western Portal what looks like once Minecart Tracks are seen
The Top of the Tunnel Ceiling gets smaller and smaller as you traverse the top
A look at the other side of the entrance to the Ventilation Room from the Top of the Tunnel
Less Tree Foilage on the Western Side of the Tunnel
looking out towards the open mountain Ranges that host the Rays Hill Tunnel
Like the Rays Hill Tunnel Tubby the ghost is seen at the window of the maintenance 2nd floor room
Western Portal of the Sideling Hill Tunnel