Full Release Notice

Since 2024 we have made content and documentation about Detroit’s Abandoned Locations. We are proud to announce we are upgrading our gear for documentation.

What to know

Legacy Pages: All Locations made before the 1.0 release of the website contain legacy content this means photos were captured before the upgrade of our gear. At Abandoned Commercial Detroit we take pride in quality images for everyone to enjoy and experience our locations with us. Many Locations have been preserved in history because of our work.

Unfortunately not all locations can be captured again with our new gear, locations such as Sears Lincoln Park or Lakeside Mall have since been demolished, this is also paired with the fact of what makes a photograph special. The Timestamp in history it showcases, and as is with everything our locations change, vandalism and new graffiti shows up in our spots often. This means many locations when they get captured with our new gear it will be a different timestamp of history.

The good news is most of our legacy locations will be receiving new refits and remasters of images while still displaying a option for our classic legacy images. This will including locations such as the Grande and Vanity Ballrooms, Many of the Detroit Public Schools, and many more.

We will be reediting almost all of our images via photoshop meaning more quality for the ones that want to feel in the moment at our locations.

High Resolution Pages: Locations made after the 1.0 release of the website will be 100% captured via our new gear. This also means the new locations will not feature a legacy location, but will be formatted in the standard format most abandoned commercial detroit location pages follow.

What is being Upgraded

Gear: Our biggest upgrade is with this change below is the following gear being upgraded

Old Gear: Sony FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS lens (Kit Lens)

New Gear: ZEISS Batis 25mm f/2 Lens

ZIESS is known for it’s superior image quality, this paired with our already powerful existing Sony Alpha 7III will be a welcome addition to our lineup of iconic images of Detroit as we continue our journey to document and preserve Detroit history.

As we move foward into the future of abandoned locations in Detroit we welcome you to tag along for the adventures and check in regularly for new updates on the website!