Oakman Elementary Orthopedic School
12920 Wadsworth St, Detroit, MI 48227
-Abandoned 2013
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History of Oakman Elementary Orthopedic School
Oakman Elementary School was an orthopedic school meant to accommodate disabled and handicapped students. It was built in 1929, at a time when students with disabilities often received subpar educations. Along with this, many schools didn't accommodate these students. Though Oakman was not the first school to welcome these students, it was an effort to better suit them. Oakman sits on a completely one-story level floor plan, complete with handrails and other mobility assistance features . Oakman's architect was Smith, Hinchman & Grylls, which didn't design many schools but did create many iconic Detroit buildings, such as the Guardian Building, the Penobscot Building, and the Buhl Building. The middle of the school hosts a large courtyard with a playground, designed to be easily accessible from many parts of the school. Each corner of the school has an auxiliary room. Though Oakman never received an additional wing or extension, it was built in two parts throughout 1929 to form the rectangle shape seen today. Throughout the 2000s, declining enrollment in Detroit Public Schools became a major problem. Between 2007 and 2012, many Detroit schools closed due to the district's downsizing efforts. Oakman was spared during the major closures because of its purpose as a school, but in 2013, Detroit Public Schools announced its closure. Many parents pressured Detroit Public Schools to keep the school open, but by the end of the school year, the school was closed. The district informed parents that enrollment was falling, and that the school was under capacity. In fact, enrollment had actually increased over the previous five years, and the building 's capacity had been revised upward without any actual physical change in the layout of the school. Efforts to reopen the school continued but ultimately failed. The two schools these students were sent to did not accommodate the needs of Oakman's students. In 2015 , a fire broke out in one of the classrooms, and around that same time, the building was sold to the land bank. In 2023, Oakman was among many schools planned for demolition in the near future. But for now, in 2025, it still stands.
Recollection from the author
Oakman was a small but special adventure. The walls that lined the school were very unique for a school and the subsections made a interesting twist for a school, but of the most note was the overgrown playground in the middle of the school that looked right out of the apocalypse. Many intact banners and wall art also added to the school.
Main Corridor looking west towards the southwest corner of the school
Main Corridor looking North towards the Northeast corner of the school
Gymnasium area
Gymnasium shot 2
The Courtyard with something we will explore later in this set of pictures
Fake Flowers still intact making a nice wall art
One of the main entrances
One of the Storage rooms
Banner still intact
Display case
Library with a Detroit Pistons wall art that's perfectly intact
Library shot 2
one of the classrooms
same classroom a boarded windows can be seen in the background
Play Room
Play Room shot 2
Play room shot 3
Play Room shot 5
Play Room shot 6
Play Room shot 6
Main Hallway facing North towards the Northwest Corner of the school
Teacher designation still intact
burnt classroom burned in 2015
Burned classroom shot 2
Burned classroom shot 3
Southwest corner
Main Corridor true light level facing North from southwest corner
Auditorium shot 1
Auditorium shot 2
Auditorium shot 3
Auditorium shot 4 (Stage)
Auditorium shot 5 (On Stage)
Auditorium shot 6
basement is flooded
basement shot 2
basement shot 3
Kindergarten room
Kindergarten fireplace
Kindergarten bay window
Kindergarten room shot 4
Kindergarten room shot 6
Playground in the courtyard overgrown and decayed (Connected to kindergarten room
Playground shot 2
Playground shot 3
Playground shot 4
One of our good friends Pinetop Jackson has also made his mark here
Eye Diagram in hallway
Cafeteria shot 1
Cafeteria shot 2 (Kitchen serving area)
kitchen serving area
Cafeteria shot 3
Cafeteria shot 4 (Wall murals line the walls)
Cafeteria shot 5 (Unique tiles line the floor)
Wall Mural #1
Wall Mural #2
Wall Mural #3
Wall Mural #4 and #5
Wall Mural #6 (destoryed)
Main Hallway facing south towards southeast entrance
destroyed banner
Classroom with windows removed
Teacher cabinet
Teaching supplies on the ground
Side hallway on the other side of the southeast to northeast hallway
Office space in the school
Facing the southeast corner of the school
Language arts book still in the locker
Room 121
Gymnasium last look
outside of the school