Bub’s and Suds Car Wash Lorain Ohio
2421 Edith St, Lorain, OH 44053
-Abandoned around 2022
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History of Bub’s and Suds Car Wash
Bub’s and Suds is a Car Wash located in Lorain Ohio that closed around 2022. It received its Current paint job in 2016.
Recollection from the author
This Car Wash in Lorain was a Small but cool location, While not in a true state of Decay yet it was starting to show it’s signs. It was cool to be able to explore a wide open location still in good shape.
Wide Shot of the Full Car Wash
4 Wash Bays for vehicles to be washed
The Little Tree Dispensers still Remain intact
Graffiti has started showing up around the land
A Coke Vending Machine that has fallen over
The top has been ripped open
inside the far shed to the left the back shed door has been tagged
Parts have started to be tampered with
Other sheds remain as the day it closed