St Margert Mary Parochial School

5095 Lemay St, Detroit, MI 48213

-Abandoned 1970

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History of St Margert Mary Parochial school

St. Margaret Mary is a church viewable here located on the East Side of Detroit , near the City Airport . It was built in 1920, and the school addition we will be exploring was built in 1923. It operated as a parochial school, which is a school that teaches religious agendas; in the case of St. Margaret, it was Catholic teaching. As the East Side of Detroit grew, so did the church and school . For many decades, the school thrived . However, during the 1960s, the East Side of Detroit began to decline, and so did the school, which closed in 1970, making it one of the few remaining schools abandoned before 2000, as most Detroit schools closed between 2007 and 2012. St. Cyril 's, another church and school on the East Side of Detroit, closed its school portion in 1971 and was demolished in May 2003. In 2025, St. Margaret Mary still stands, showcasing a testament to the robust buildings of the 20th century . Although the structure is still standing, debris lines the floors from the 55 years of abandonment. The school was likely maintained until 1982 , when the church it was connected to was abandoned, like St. Margaret Mary.

Recollection from the author

The School of St Margert Mary was my first school and it was crazy to think how well in shape the building was in considering it had sat abandoned for 55 years. It was interesting to see a pre 2000 abandoned school in Detroit of which I didn’t think really existed and though all had been demolished. From the Chalkboards to the windows this is a example of a place frozen in time which is always amazing to see and experience.


St Margert Mary/Hill of Calvary Missionary Baptist Church


Bethlehem Temple of Inkster School