Vibra Hospital of Southeastern Michigan

26400 W Outer Dr, Lincoln Park, MI 48146
-Abandoned 2018
-Abandoned as a Covid Center 2022

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Date Recorded: 5/18/24

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History of Vibra Hospital of Southeastern Michigan

The Lincoln Park MI Vibra Hospital of Southeastern Michigan, which will be referred to as the Vibra Medical Center for the rest of this history section, was originally known as "Outer Drive Hospital" and "Peoples Community Hospital." It opened around the late 1950s or 1960s. From my research, the oldest image I could find was from 1966. The Hospital was purchased by Vibra Healthcare LLC in 2008 and used as a recovery and rehabilitation center for people with serious illnesses, injuries, and medical conditions. Later, it was joined by the Taylor and DMC (Detroit Medical Center) locations as part of Vibra Hospitals of Southeastern Michigan LLC. The Lincoln Park location served as the main location and headquarters until its closure in 2018. The Hospital was renovated as part of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer's plan to reopen closed hospitals through the CARES Act to alleviate the overflow of COVID-19 patients in 2020 and 2021. The Hospital received a $500,000 grant to reopen and planned to invest $1.5 million initially, and $20 million in the long term. The hospital is currently owned by Kindred Healthcare, and while minor renovations have occurred, there is a lack of power, security, or alarms on the property. Graffiti taggers and vandals are starting to enter the building. The hospital is believed to have been closed since the early 2022 spike in COVID-19 patients.

Recollection from the author

The Vibra Medical Center was interesting and my luck would allow me to document the building before it was ransacked, the first couple times I had gone in the building was completely intact, not a single piece of graffiti, which I never thought I would see in a abandoned location, later on this would not be the case and the location would later be monitored with security after the building was as mentioned ransacked very hard, due to the location of the building and valuables left inside, but the first times I ventured inside the place was clean and stable, everything was left behind and that was not a joke, from papers to computers it was all there, only thing not there was the power, even the smell of the hospital was still there that’s truly how untouched it was for a time, the only piece of damage was the flooded basement which became very popular on social media and lead to the downfall of the uniqueness of the location, after unwanted people entered and destroyed and vandalized the location


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