Extra Locations

An Archive of Locations that are extras and aren’t dedicated location pages

Sears Lincoln Park inside during Demolition

Explore the Remains of the Sears of Lincoln Park MI during the Progress of the interior demolition of the Store

The SEARS Watertower

After the Collapse of the Watertower on September 4th, 2024 the Watertower was able to finally be explored with ease for the evening of the 4th, the next day the globe would be hauled away for scrap

Vibra Hospital after being trashed

Author Matt Scruggs was lucky to explore a untouched hospital which nowadays has ran it’s course and is trashed here the vibra hospital is shown briefly in late July 2024

Grande Ballroom in a Winter Wonderland

The Grande Ballroom has little to no roof so when it snows it feels like a Rankin Bass edition of your favorite Christmas classics